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Here's how to lock your Facebook profile

Want to increase the privacy of your Facebook account by locking your profile? If you lock your profile, 
people who are not your Facebook friends will only see a limited amount of your profile.

Once your profile is locked, only your Facebook friends can see your Facebook timeline photos and posts, profile pictures and cover photos, stories and new posts. And, even the public posts you make on Facebook are not completely public and can only be seen by Facebook friends.

If you want to keep your Facebook secret as mentioned above and show yourself only among your friends then locking profile is a suitable option.

You can lock Facebook profile from both mobile app and browser. But in the desktop version of Facebook, there is no option to lock the profile. Of the mobile apps, only the Android app has the facility to lock the profile.

Here's how to lock your Facebook profile:

To lock Facebook profile from Android mobile app

Open the Facebook app and tap on your profile
Click on the three dotted icons next to the Add to Story menu
There appears an option called Lock Profile, click on it
How does the next page profile lock feature work? With details
The Lock Your Profile option appears on the bottom, tap on it
Then a popup of You Locked Your Profile appears, click on it.

How to lock profile from desktop?

Facebook's profile lock feature is not available in desktop browsers. But for this, a roundabout way can be adopted.

Open the browser and login to
Click on the profile icon in the URL, remove www and type m.
Then the URL of Facebook will be This means using the mobile version of Facebook in a desktop browser.
Where you can see the menu with three dots in the Edit Profile option.

Click on the Lock Profile option in the three dotted menu.
As in the Android version, there is an option called Lock Your Profile with some information about profile lock, which should be clicked.

After doing so, your Facebook profile is locked.
The procedure is the same for mobile apps and desktops if you want to unlock your locked Facebook profile. As mentioned above, Unlock Profile option appears instead of Lock Profile option, and you can unlock your Facebook profile by clicking or clicking on Unlock.

Labels: #Social Media




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