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AdSense in Nepali: Google Gives Support for Nepali Blog and Websites

Finally, after a long wait, Google has added the Nepali language support in AdSense. Earlier, it did not support AdSense ads on websites and blogs which primarily host Nepali content. But now, after all, you have AdSense in Nepali!
I have been associated with Nepali language websites and blogs for about 10 years. I have developed several Nepali language websites and I also write blogs in Nepali. Innumerable Nepali bloggers and wanna-be Nepali bloggers have asked me about “AdSense ko kamaai” (Nepali for “earning from Google AdSense“). This has been one of the often asked questions.
A number of such people wanted to be professional bloggers and, in spite of no support for Nepali content, they even added AdSense ads on their Nepali blogs. Google also turned a blind eye towards such attempts. But all in all, there was not much of online income for these bloggers because Google did not support such ads. However, Google’s indifference towards Nepali AdSense is just one of the reasons why Nepali bloggers did not succeed in earning enough from AdSense. What are the other reasons? Well, read on!
Google’s Concerns with Nepali AdSense.

If so far you don’t know what all I am taking about, then first you should know what is AdSense and what are the avenues for earning money from Internet.
In the past there was a time when Google actually used to support Nepali AdSense. But then suddenly, support was revoked, probably sometime in 2008. Most bloggers felt surprised and perplexed by Google’s decision. But I know why exactly it happened.

AdWord program (with the help from AdSense program) is the main source of income for Google. Google takes money from advertisers and shares that revenue with the AdSense publishers. When Google used to support Nepali AdSense, at that time Nepali bloggers deployed a number of Google ads on their blogs. But it did not turn out to be a good business for Google.
Now, your first question would be, “why wasn’t it a good business for Google?”
The return on investment (ROI) for the advertisers from Nepalii blogs and Nepali websites was almost negligible. The click-through rate was very low. You can understand it like, if Google showed 1000 ads on all the Nepali blogs, it got, let’s say, just one or two clicks. Advertisers don’t pay Google just for showing their ads. They pay for getting clicks and bloggers also get paid according to clicks (CPC mode). Now the situation was that the advertisers were paying a lot of money but getting very little number of clicks in return from Nepali blogs.
Naturally, soon Google realized that it was a bad business to support Nepali AdSense. It revoked the official support but continued to allow Google ads on Nepali website that have good page authority (e.g. newspaper websites).

Why is Google Again Supporting Nepali AdSense?

I can think of two reasons. One is obviously that it wants to test the waters again. In comparison to 2008, now there is a significantly larger number of people who know how to type / write in Nepali on computer and mobile phones. Comparatively, there is much larger amount of Hindi content available on Internet.
Therefore, there is a big market for Nepali ads which Google wants to tap. Several years have gone past since it revoked the support for Nepali AdSense. Now Google again want to see if allowing ads on Nepali blogs and websites will turn into a profitable business.
Second reason could be the change in Nepal’s political scenario. The current government has been pushing for Nepali quite a bit. Now, there is a conducive environment for the promotion of Nepali language in the country. Perhaps, Google has also become hopeful that the Nepali ads market will get a lift.
Google AdSense for Nepali: What does it mean for Nepali Bloggers?

Now that Google has resumed its support for ads in Nepali language, the Nepali bloggers can now expect a better ROI for themselves. Earlier, it was risky to put Google ads on Nepali websites because if Google will take a notice of it, they would consider it as a policy violation and as a penalty they would block the AdSense account.
It actually happened with a couple of my clients!
But now there is no such fear. Nepali bloggers are now officially authorized to place Google ads on their blogs. All you need is an approved AdSense account.

These tips will help you using Google AdSense in much smarter way.

Will Nepali Bloggers Make a Lot of Money?

If you want my frank opinion, I don’t think Nepali bloggers will instantly begin to make enough money from their AdSense ads. There are several reason behind my doubt.
First of all, just because Google is supporting Nepali AdSense, it does not guarantee success of your blog. Professional Blogging is a highly technical subject. Honestly speaking, just knowing how to write good articles isn’t enough for success in blogging. I have known many bloggers who have been fairly good at writing stuff but they lacked everything else that is needed to be a successful professional blogger.
In general, Nepali blogs lack in quality. Only a handful of quality Hindi blogs are out there. Most of the other Nepali blogs are directionless. A large number of Nepali bloggers feel that just by starting a free blog and posting a few poems or articles over there will open the floodgates of currency bills. That notion is, at least a thousand miles, off the reality.
Nepali bloggers will have to work very hard (and I mean VERY hard) to elevate themselves to a position of importance as a collective juggernaut. If Nepali bloggers will not learn and write factual, unique, interesting and useful content; AdSense will not bless them.
So, all in all, I do not see any great benefit for Nepali bloggers in next one year. Why? Well, it’s simply because it takes time for setting up a good blog. And it may take even more time to cleanup an existing blog!
I hope that the official support from Google for Nepali AdSense will motivate Nepali bloggers and they will begin working on making their blogs clean and useful. If thousands of Nepali bloggers will do this, only then Nepali AdSense will continue to be a good business for Google.
If Google will again realize that supporting ads on Nepali websites is a bad business, they will not hesitate in revoking the given support. We all must remember that Google has no passion for Nepali or any other language. They’re are a business company and they do whatever serves their own interest. Although there are several alternatives of Google AdSense; but it is still one of the best advertising options.
Therefore, let’s not consider this newly arrived support for nepali AdSense as a “great step forward”. It is just “one step forward” and we, the Nepali bloggers, have a long way to go. Enough of celebrations. Now let’s begin some real work!
I hope this information was useful for you. Please feel free to ask should you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help. Thank you for using my blog.




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